What's That Stinky Mess? Identifying Skunk Poop in Your Yard

What's That Stinky Mess? Identifying Skunk Poop in Your Yard

Animal feces can be a common sight in backyards, and identifying the source of the scat can be important for understanding the wildlife in the area. Skunks are one common backyard animal that can leave behind distinctive droppings, and being able to identify skunk poop can help homeowners take steps to deter these animals from their property.

Skunk poop is typically cylindrical in shape and about 1-2 inches in length. It is usually black or dark brown in color and has a strong, pungent odor. The scat may also contain small pieces of undigested food, such as insects, berries, or seeds. Skunks often defecate in the same spot, so if you find a pile of scat in your backyard, it is likely from a skunk.

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